Therapeutic Approaches
Therapeutic approaches offered are client - centred with a focus on well being at all times, because every client is unique and so must treatment be. Rebekah has been practicing as a counsellor since early 2004 and has developed a deep and comprehensive understanding of these therapeutic theories and approaches.

Psychotherapy: within the safe and supportive therapeutic relationship, it is believed that clients are able to find the words to describe and explore their experiences. Psychotherapy does not adhere to the symptom based model of ‘illness and cure’ but rather seeks to understand how personality develops over time, and how our early relationships and growing up experiences effect our current functioning. It looks to bring greater awareness and consciousness to our thoughts, patterns, feelings and interactions, in an attempt to develop more effective coping strategies and healthier relationships.
Interpersonal Therapy (IPT): as its name suggests, IPT focuses in how we connect to others and how this can contribute to our emotional state. By increasing awareness and understanding of our past and present ‘relational’ styles and patterns, IPT can assist people to develop more effective and fulfilling interpersonal relationships.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): ACT is derived from the core message about accepting what is out of our personal control and a commitment to do what we can do in order to improve and enrich our lives. ACT understands that we all experience the full spectrum of human emotions, even if we only like to feel ‘positive or ‘happy’ emotions, and that learning to sit more comfortably, or better tolerate the more difficult emotions, is key to emotional flexibility and emotional wellness.
Mindfulness Ideas and Practices: help us to bring attention, awareness and insight to our psychic and mental process in an accepting and non judgemental way. It aims to help people move away from rumination and over-identifying with past or future possibilities, by helping them to focus on and accept what is being ‘felt’ in any given moment. Mindfulness requires us to quieten our thoughts, emotions and reactions, in order to become curious about what is happening in, to and around us, and aims to foster a reflective quality to our actions and relations.
Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT): invites people to approach, attend to, regulate, make effective use of, and transform emotions. Two basic principles underlie the EFT model. The first principle is to create a genuine, empathic, valuing, therapeutic relationship which is seen as curative in its own right; and the second is deepening the clients emotional experience during therapy. The tasks of EFT are intended to heighten the clients inner emotional experiences, so that they can be more easily symbolised and thus processed consciously.